Rob Sohn
Senior Scientist, Geophysicist, G&G Dept.
- Geophysical Investigations (fieldwork, lab experiments, theory) to understand how hydrothermal fluids circulate in the earth’s interior
Julie Huber
Associate Scientist, MC&G
- Marine microbiology, biogeochemistry & genomics
- Subsea floor biosphere
- Deep-sea hydrothermal vents
- Deep-sea instrumentation
- Astrobiology
Stefan Sievert
Associate Scientist, Microbiologist, Biology
- Combining laboratory and field investigations to study composition, diversity, and function of microbial communities in the dark ocean
- Crustal fluid-microbe interactions and subseafloor biosphere at deep-sea vents
- Instrumentation for in situ microbial rate measurements
Carl Bowin
Scientist Emeritus, Eclectic Geologist, G&G Dept.
- Very slow deformation of the Earth’s surface
Pablo Canales
Associate Scientist w/ Tenure, G&G
- Magma Storage, distribution, and transport from the mantle to the crust and eventually to the seafloor at MORs
- Extent of alteration/serpentinization of mantle at MORs and incoming plates at subduction zones
- Processes controlling fluid trapping/expulsion from megathrusts at convergent margins
Expertise -
- Geophysics
- Seismic imaging
- Structure evolution of ocean lithosphere
Emmanuel A. Codillo
JP Student, G&G
- Subduction zone focus
- Fluid rock interaction along the sub-mantle interface
- Melting and melt-rock interactions in the mantle wedge in subductions zones
- Nature and composition of fluids from subducted slab
Dan Fornari
Emeritus Research Scholar, G&G Dept.
- Mid-Ocean Ridge volcanism and hydrothermal processes
- Shallow ocean crust permeability and fluid flow and impacts on hydrothermal processes and biota
- Sensors to measure subsurface flow and flux of fluid chemical constituents
- Scaling of local vent scale permeability to larger scale crustal permeability across a wide range of seafloor tectonic environments and plate boundaries
- Time series characteristics of fluid flow on sediment and near-bottom biota and microbiota
Glenn Gaetani
Associate Scientist, G&G Dept.
- High temperature, High pressure experiments
- Magmatic volatiles
- Magma storage & transport in the crust
Chris German
Senior Scientist, Geochemist, G&G Dept.
- What controls distribution of seafloor fluid flow
- What the impact of that flow is upon the oceans
- How to translate this expertise to planetary explorations
Forrest Horton
Assistant Scientist, G&G
- Magmatic volatiles in ocean island basalts, especially those in olivine-hosted inclusions
- Metamorphic fluids that cause metasomatic mineral reactions
- H2O and CO2 storage and mobility in mantle lithosphere
Susan Humphris
Senior Scientist, G&G Dept.
- Water-rock reactions in seafloor hydrothermal systems to understand their roll in geochemical cycles
- Geologic and tectonic controls on the distribution of seafloor hydrothermal systems
Frieder Klein
Associate Scientist, Geochemist/Metamorphic Petrologist, MC&G
- I use laboratory experiments, theoretical models and field observations to better constrain hydrothermal processes and the chemical, physical, and biological implications.
- I work in an array of geological settings including mid-ocean ridges, passive margins, subduction zones, ophiolites and extraterrestrial systems.
- My main interests revolve around reaction pathways, redox conditions, chemical (F volume) changes and the deep biosphere
Ken Kostel
Director of Research Communications, Communications
- Translates science into understandable information for the general public
Veronique Le Roux
Associate Scientist, G&G
- Geochemistry/Petrology
- Volatiles in high pressure rocks
- Volatiles in subduction zones
- Fluid cycling through plate tectonics processes
Techniques - SIMS (secondary ion mass spec) for:
- Volatile analyses
- Micro-CT
- High-P experiments
Yang Liao
Assistance Scientist, G&G
- Hydrothermal circulation on Earth and in the moons, especially when fluid flows are coupled to water-rock reaction and tidal heating
- Fluid transport in volcanic system, such as how porous magma and gas transport in crustal magma chamber, and their effect on volcano deformation.
Dan Lizarralde
Associate Scientist, G&G
- Sedimented hydrothermal systems
- SGD across the shelves
- Water budgets and convergent margins
- Global budgets of these systems
- Contribution of seeps etc to pCO2
- Shift-edge cold seeps
Jeff Seewald
Senior Scientist, MC&G
- Water-rock reactions in numerous environments
- Back-arc
- Convergent margins
- Sedimented systems
- Experimental geochemistry and field studies
- Organic-nonorganic interactions
Maurice Tivey
Senior Scientist, G&G Dept.
- Marine geophysics related to subsea fluid circulation using magnetic and heat flux measurements
- Mid-ocean hydrothermal systems
- Back arc volcanic systems
- Mineral deposition for economic geology
- Off axis pasenation of mineral deposits
- Co-Chair of InterRidge working group on seafloor mineralization upcoming first workshop to be held Sept. 2019 in Hangzhou, China
Ben Urann
JP Student, G&G
- Dehydration of altered oceanic during high pressure metamorphism and the fate of slab-housed volatiles (F, C1, H2O, S, P)
- Rueological properties of hydrothermally activated gabbro & peridotite at slow spreading ridges